
Showing posts from October, 2021
  TORETAM TOR - Mirco Magnani / Andrea De Witt TORETAM TOR, a portal to access parallel universes, the gateway to new or perhaps ancient horizons. An ancient simulacrum as a symbol of the door (tor in German language) from which one can get out of three-dimensional reality. A sort of praise of obsolete technologies and knowledge, regenerated and reconverted for the development of a new next way towards the spirituality of all times. Humanity regaining possession of its original knowledge and consciences, which have long since fallen into almost total oblivion. In reality Toretam, which in ancient times was the tomb of an important descendant of Genghis Kahn, is the name of the place physically closest to the Baikonur cosmodrome in Kazakhstan, the oldest and most used launch base in the world, built in 1955 but later called with the name of another city far farther than Toretam; for security reasons, just to mislead the enemy at the time of the cold war. Mirco Magnani and Andrea De Witt
  MAGNUM OPUS COLLECTIO SERIES: NIGREDO - Various Artists MAGNUM OPUS COLLECTIO SERIES is a set of three volumes, each inspired by the different phases of the alchemical process, which works with the prima materia to create the philosopher‘s stone. The three phases of alchemic process have been used in the Hermetic tradition to describe personal and spiritual transmutation, as well as a medium in art and literature. These three phases also have been meant by Carl Gustav Jung as a model for the individuation process, an unrepeatable psychic process, which leads each individual to approach his ego with the self. In other words the individuation process is a progressive integration and unification of all shadows and complexes forming the personality within oneself. This project involved the painter Valentina Bardazzi as the creator of three artwork concepts. The work will be on sale in digital form on Bandcamp, under the merchandise section of Undogmatisch. Every exemplar is printed on sp